It's been a tough couple of weeks in terms of my running/working out. Let's just say I've probably had as many good solid run workouts than I've had blog posts. I've been tired. I have two reasons for why I think this is the case:
1. HEAT! (not the Miami Heat, although that probably didn't help) Summer has come in full force. The last few runs have been in the high 70s - 80s. I'm just not used to it yet.
2. I started training on something new at work this week. For all but two hours out of my day I'm sitting in a class room listening to a trainer. She's a great trainer, very energetic. But there's only so many ways you can keep insurance interesting. Sitting down and learning all day wears me out more than doing my actual job.
The heat could easily be helped if I actually woke up with my alarm clock and motivated myself to get out of the door. Another part is maybe I'm just trying to do it all on my own. It's hard to lose focus on why we do the things we do.
Onto the title of this post. Pretty random, but not really.
Next year I will be going to Zambia, Africa with members of my High Mill family and my awesome pal Daren, and his equally awesome wife Danielle, from Active:Water! So the step of obedience to run for Active:Water is now turning into going to another continent to see the results of everyone who has raised money. I will be there to help, learn, and spread the love of Christ. Excitement on high!!
Also, I was asked to come on as a youth leader at my church. Which is awesome. For a couple years I had felt a call to mentor other guys. Not because I think that I am a great role model. I just want to be there for people. I know what it was like being a teenager and I didn't particularly enjoy it lol. I'm there to serve and be there for others. I'm guessing I will learn a lot along the way.
Over the past week I've also found myself sucked into the Stanley Cup (which is the championship series in professional hockey). It pitted the Chicago Blackhawks against the Boston Bruins. I was pulling for the Bruins, although I'm a fan of both teams. Since Cleveland has no big pro team I find that I can enjoy the sport more. I don't have a horse in the race. Anyway, while watching the final game of the series I thought about running...
On a brief side note. The end of the 6th game was friggen crazy. CRAZY! If you don't know what I'm talking about please just google it. The talking heads in sports called it the best 90 seconds in sports all year and on the list of best of all time.
In a way running has a very close connection to both cities (especially for myself). Chicago has one of the best marathons in the world, and it was the grounds of the first marathon I have run/completed. I don't have to mention the connection Boston has to running. That'd be just silly. You could see fans wearing Boston Strong shirts. They also had it on the boards around the ice. It's easy to forget the feelings of that April 15th marathon day. This doesn't mean we forget the ones who passed or were injured. We just don't feel as strong of a connection as we may have had on that specific day. Especially now that it's been over two months.
I'd like to do a little Boston giveaway. I didn't want to do it right around the time of the event. It felt like I would just be trying to pick up momentum for my blog, which is definitely not the reason this blog was started.
So, what am I giving away?
Shoe laces!
I have 4 pairs of Boston shoe laces. They say "We will run and we will remember 4-15-13".
You don't have to share my blog page, follow me on Twitter, or friend me on Facebook. I'd just like to give them away to anyone who would like to do something small to remember those ravaged by the senseless acts of violence on that day.
Just email me at Provide your address. Then I'll send them.
That was easy.
Thanks for reading.