Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chicago Trainin'

Welcome back everyone!

I haven't posted on here since Mother's Day.  I felt like all my posts had to be deep and full of meaning so I've kinda been putting this blog on the backburner.  Until today!  I'm posting with a renewed vigor.  I will stick to the K.I.S.S. formula for my posts from here on out.

A brief overview of the last few months....

My wife turned her love of everything involving our little girls into an at -home business making headbands and hair clips.  I chose the very original name too:  Two Cute Girls Headbands and Hair Clips (find them on Facebook).  I missed my true calling of working in marketing. 

I ran my fastest 5k at a small race in Minerva.  This race is also the first time I had a hand in making the coveted race t-shirt.

Oh yes.  I'm also in the t-shirt business.  I'm the head motivator for the Isaiah Project Clothing Company.  The IP is a company that creates scripture/faith based t-shirts and gives a portion of each sale back into the church body for missions or whoever may be in need (find them on Facebook).  They also do corporate orders that you can design yourself or leave the designing to the CEO/baldest member of IP, Bryce York.  My job description is to keep us moving in the right direction, help the creative process, occasionally screen a t-shirt, and provide comic relief when I freak out every time the darn t-shirt screening contraption falls down.

Speaking of Bryce York, he completed his first triathlon a couple weeks ago!  Big shout out!  Maybe next year I'll give one a shot.

Moving on, June 17th was the Canton Half Marathon.  For a week leading up to the race I was scared of how hot the weather people were predicting it would be.  My only goal was to finish before they closed the race course for the safety of the runners.  No such thing happened!  The weather was perfect.  Overcast and 70s.  I went to the race with my good pals Scott, Shannon, and Lorrie Radcliff and Matt Martin.  In his longest run ever Matt finished in under 2 hours!  Scott, Shannon, and Lorrie finished just over two hours!  And I... finished!  I was cruising for the first part of the race and forged ahead before the hills started.  Once they started they never seemed to end.

The best part of the race was seeing my wife, sleeping infant, and my oldest daughter Savannah running up to the road holding a sign looking excited to see me.  Scratch that.  It wasn't the best part of the race, It was the best moment I've had in my storied running career of two years.

The second best part about the race was finishing.  I was ready to be done.  For it's first year the Canton Marathon wasn't too bad.  It was nice having home field advantage at a race for once.  Cool football themed medal too:

 Now on to a Chicago Marathon training update.

I'm running.  A lot.  For the first month of training I attacked the hills of the surrounding area pretty hard.  Since then I've been in cruise control.  To be honest, I was a little nervous about the distance of 26.2 miles but I'm feeling more confident with each run.  

I've started fund-raising as well.  The goal I've set is $1,500.  I have faith that the goal will be reached.  I'm very fortunate to be surrounded by good friends who have already stepped up.  Already at 8% of my goal raised!

I've also instituted a monthly drawing for all people that donate.  The winner of July is Susan Rosier!  You've won an Active:Water water bottle!  In August I'm going to have your choice of Active:Water shirt!  You know what the best part of the raffle is?  EVERYONE WINS!  So maybe everyone doesn't get a physical prize.  How about knowing that you have saved someone's life?  Sounds pretty awesome to me!

Here's a link to my donation site:

That's all I'll share for today.  A big thank you to my wifey Aimee for taking the new cover picture of this blog.  It rocks!

Miles Ran Today: 7
Miles Ran This Week: 11
Album I'm Currently Listening To: KB "Weight and Glory"

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