Thursday, January 31, 2013

Training Days

Hello.  How are you today?

Busy few days of training.  Started Monday.  After my last blog post I hopped on the trainer and hopped back off five to six minutes in when the bike came off the trainer again.  Ack!  It frustrated me to no end.  My first thought?  It's going back.  I wasted my money.  How will I bike?  Waaah waaah waaaaah.  How did I react to this setback?  I didn't persevere and focus on the next workout.  Instead I gave in to frustration and ate almost double my normal amount of dinner.  Pretty dumb right?  After that I ate a piece of chocolate cake.  Before the cake I was already full (see "Pretty dumb right?").  This overeating made me miserable on Tuesday but it showed me the progress I've made in 2013.  What I ate Monday night was around the normal amount of food I used to have for dinner.  I'm definitely not starving myself with this new food intake.  All I do now is monitor my portions, include more vegetables, and eat more fruit and proteins.  After this episode of weakness I had a friend come to the rescue.  This time it was Matt "The Clydesdale" Regimbal.  More about that in a moment.  On to Tuesday.

My plan for Tuesdays and Thursdays are to get up and go to the local pool to swim.  Tuesday morning comes and I sleep through the alarm (see ack above).  I made up for it by moving my run day up a day.  I ran about three miles and incorporated hills.  A lot of them.  A big bonus for being able to do it outside.  60 some odd degrees in Ohio in January. 

What I ate Tuesday was thrown off by Monday night's momentary lapse of judgement.  I felt an odd feeling of satisfaction knowing that eating how I used to messed me up.  Those days are getting further and further in the rear-view mirror.  After my run Matt came over and within a couple minutes showed me that each handle on the trainer has rings.  These rings move towards the bicycle, when properly tightened, and lock the handles into place.  My problem before was they weren't locked in and the bike movement loosened.  I felt silly but relieved.  Since I had already run my trainer time would have to come Wednesday.  For dinner Tuesday I ate a normal, healthy, amount of food.

My plan for Wednesday was to swim.  Didn't happen again.  I didn't let it bring me down.  Instead I channeled my bummedoutness into looking at running shoes.  Since I sold my Newts I am once again in the market for shoes.  Per the physical therapist orders I'm looking for something a little more stable than a stability shoe.  I am looking into some Saucony Cortanas.  Thanks to Mrs. and Mr. From Couch to Ironwoman for the shoe review and testimonial.  That night I hopped on the trainer and pounded out a half hour ride,  Woo!!, while watching the 2011 Ironman World Championships.  Wednesday night I set two alarms to swim Thursday.

I woke up to swim.  It's a miracle.  On my way to the pool I realized I forgot my goggles.  Must have been all the excitement from waking up at 430 am.  Swimming went on regardless, although my eyes feel a little weird 16 hours later.  I was able to swim 200 yards mostly uninterrupted.  These past few days have been revealing and motivating.  Started off slow but recovered greatly.

Tonight I turned in my first college essay.  It was a collection of 6 stories in my life told in a not so chronological order.  Aimee read it and enjoyed it.  She enjoyed it to the point that she thought I should share it.  I was a bit apprehensive at first but I'm going to give it a shot.  It'll be a good way for my readers to get to know me a little better, aka my mother-in-law and Aimee (again).  I'm going to start the posts tomorrow and end Sunday.  I hope you can join me.  It will have nothing to do with running.  The little mini essays are personal but not private. 

Also I found out how to add individual pages to my blog.  Under the heading picture you will see an "About Me" button.  I'm also working on adding a page for my race history and I've also got some other ideas floating around my head.

Thanks for reading.

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