Welcome. My blog may seem more chipper today since I just completed the last paper I needed to for English Composition. I also have a week off before my next class starts.
For a few weeks I've been blogging a couple times a week but the last two weeks have been a stressful. My normal routine of post kids bedtime blogging has been replaced by my wife and me clearing zombies out of a prison. Phew. It's rough business. I started watching The Walking Dead from episode one season one and in the past couple years we got rid of cable. That meant no more WD. Then my wonderful wife bought me season two on DVD. I've been especially vigilant in not having episodes spoiled for me. It was a taboo topic of conversation at work. Well recently we found out we could get the entire current season on iTunes! Shabaam!
Since we do not have cable my wife and I have Netflix. Our computer was giving us issues with it so we invested in an Apple TV. On Monday I headed to my local Apple Store to help stimulate the economy. It was a stressful experience. I walked in the store and the associate was more than friendly to assist me. I'm usually put off by excessive willingness to assist when I'm at the mall, mostly from the people at the kiosks selling me cell phones and creams. I'm a relatively happy person but I kinda put on a mean mug when I'm walking by them. It's a job. They are making money, so I feel a little bad to ignore or tell them no thank you. I usually avoid this issue by not going to the mall period. Anyway, I'm in the Apple Store and I pick up the Apple TV. This is when the stress came into play. I made my way to the back of the store, where I have been trained to find a register and get cashed out. No registers in the store. Another helpful associate lets me know that the back of the store is the "Genius Bar" where they assist with Apple product questions. At this point I think drool is coming out of my mouth (am I watching too much Walking Dead?) He told me someone would come to assist me. I stood there looking helpless. After a minute or so, which felt like ten to twenty in my head, someone came to help me. The same associate who welcomed me and directed me to my purchase. Apparently they use a hand held device to cash people out. The future is now. This was one of two examples I have of me feeling older this week. I thought they were going to help me cross the street when I left...
The second example came inside another mall, I'm noticing a trend... This time it was Wednesday. I was in a store purchasing a hat. A new baseball season means a new hat. After the sales person sucked me in and persuaded me to buy a second hat, I gave the register worker my info to look up my discount card (I have a discount card to purchase hats... I may have a problem). Out of the corner of my eye someone approaches, and he is much bigger than me. "Hey Thomas, how's it going?" I peak over and say "hey" and look back at the worker. The thought in my mind is that I am going to get mugged. Why do I think this? I don't know. I watch too much of the news? He was bigger than me... Anyway, I make my purchase and i look over for more than a second. I gave him a "who are you?" look. He replied to my look with "I'm Todd, your mom used to watch me". Holy puberty! The same little kid, who's 8 years younger than me, was now a giant. He proceeded to tell me that his younger brother, who we also watched, is almost taller than him. Man. Time flies. So not only did I feel older, I felt short. I'm six feet tall. That is not a normal feeling for me.
On to Saturday! (aka today)
This morning I took Savannah to a local event called "ArtSplash". The city of Canton has an arts group that has been helping revitalize this small shadow of the industrial era for years. Every year they have a free event for little kids to do arts and crafts, and hear music. This year's theme was superheros. We walked around and she made some super hero cuffs, a crown, and colored a superman picture. They also had face painting so the Costello two made it towards the line. In the line Savannah told me a few times "I don't like waiting" or "I don't want to wait". Not in a "bratty kid in the store not getting a candy bar" tantrum. She did it in a "this is honestly the first time I've had to wait in a line" epiphany moment. Welcome to the world, kid. We made it to her turn and she wanted a butterfly. Wanna see it?
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Cute kid. |
Another full week of training, minus running. Everyday I've done some sort of working out. Started Tuesday with a good pool session. Ended up swimming the farthest I ever have swam. 500 yards. That's five football fields. Not bad for not being able to swim a couple months ago. Weird thing happened after the training though. I was at home sitting in the living room and my chest starting hurting. Bad. My heart started racing and I tensed up. I did a lot of weight training Friday so I thought it was extreme soreness. Verdict is still out.
Had a good trainer session Wednesday and Thursday I was back in the pool. Wanted to take it easy because of the chest pain from Monday, so I did one less lap than before. I also took a few more breaks. I had planned on doing less than 400 yards since I now know I can reach the sprint distance, but Bryce made me do it... Training partners are great. They'll push you. Even when you don't want it. I appreciate having a friend in this training more than I can express in words. No chest pain followed Thursday. Haven't felt it since. Woo!
I have missed a couple run sessions this week. I love running but the excuses monster (I'm tiiiiiiired) has reared it's ugly head. And zombies. They've plagued my running schedule. Get it? Plague? hahhahaha
The past couple weeks, when I have run, I have enjoyed it. I am even improving at it. Cross training has done wonders for me.
Speaking of running. I am officially signed up for the Akron Marathon. Many reasons to be excited:
1. I've never run the race before
2. It'll be my second full marathon
3. They give Brooks running jackets instead of shirts for all participants!
4. ***MOST IMPORTANTLY*** It's the first Active:Water Canton team event! We're going to raise some awareness and much needed funding for the global water crisis. Boom!
Running still has a special place in my heart. I think I'm going to reserve the fall for my long run events and spring and summer for triathlon events (until I have a year where I'm doing a full Ironman. I'm pretty sure that'll be my only big race of the year).
On March 16th I'll be doing a St. Patricks Day 5k. This holiday holds a special place in my heart, and I don't even drink! I think I'll do a photo post for the race. Yeah. That'll work.
Thanks for reading!
What races have you signed up for this year? Any new distances or venues you're going to try?
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