Monday, February 18, 2013



My life flashed before my eyes tonight.

My lovely wife was making a lovely dinner.  I was playing dinner wingman by making the rice, for our salmon, and the mac and cheese for the girls.  I reached for the microwave to check on the frozen veggies we were heating up and I smelled something burning.  We had a cover on the glass dish, but I wasn't too secure in it's ability to handle the high microwave power.  The cover was promptly removed.  I made my way to the sink and dropped the cover in it.  While I'm making my way to the stove to continue the mac and cheese prep I see flames.  FLAMES!  Our kitchen towel was on fire!!

My first instinct!?  Blow it out!!  DIDN'T WORK!!!

I could feel the sweat forming on my brow.  I don't have tenant insurance!

Aimee walks in... "Throw it in the sink!"

"I AM!!" (I wasn't actually thinking of doing that)

I turn on the water and the fire goes out.  My family was snatched up from the grips of a firey future.  Thank you God..

How did it catch on fire?  I cleaned earlier tonight.  Every few years I have the desire to clean the kitchen.  Nice and deep like.  After I cleaned I lit a candle.  Get the kitchen smelling good.

That's the last time I ever clean.. (when it's not my turn)


I did my first brick workout of the year yesterday.  For those unaccustomed to the triathlete terminology it's a back to back workout.  Consisting of two of the three events.  For example, yesterday I biked on the trainer for a half hour and then ran three miles.

My trainer is in the basement, and I have a fan set up to keep me cool.  In my few weeks of trainer experience I've always biked wearing a hoodie (to maximize the sweatage).  Since I would go straight from the bike to the pavement I opted for a running shirt without a fan.  I didn't think not using a fan would be an issue.  Little did he know.....  I should form some way of measuring my sweat, like a weatherman measures water.  It was bad.  I'm not a stranger to perspiration but this was a little out of hand.  To the point that I had to be careful getting off the trainer because I didn't want to slip.  For all of those that haven't closed my blog yet, the run went good.  The first quarter mile I was fighting some calf cramping but I was able to finish strong.  My initial worry of my sweat freezing was a non-issue.  A well placed towel and running jacket kept me dry and warm.

Valentines week was a good training week.  Broke in my nice new kicks.  Did a couple days of deep end swimming.  You know.  Tri stuff.

I applied for a new position within my current company on Valentines day.  It was a tough decision but I didn't want to pass it up.  More info on the job in a later post, when I have more to talk about.

Exciting things are on their way....


  1. So, you have a little fire and rain thing going on? HaHa!
    Honestly, if you don't want to clean the kitchen again, you probably could have just said so and not attempted to set it up in flames. ;)
    I would have freaked out...Ugh!
    It sounds like the workouts are going well.

    1. Thanks! They're going pretty good. I didn't see the fire and rain writing till you mentioned it. I guess my writing is deeper than I thought lol. I cleaned the kitchen again yesterday. Maybe I have death wish!?
