Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Ok, I'm the worst blogger ever.

I've wanted to blog but I don't like doing it when it feels forced.  I go on Twitter and see so many people posting multiple times a week and I don't know how that happens.  Positive posts.  Give-aways (where people actually try to win the item!).  Big triathlons being finished.  All these things aren't the reason why I'm not posting.  I'm not trying to be other people or anything like that.  I'd like to start sharing more, honestly.

Lots of things have happened since you read my last "post" on here:

1. I still haven't heard anything about the job in Virginia (I guess that isn't something that's happened)
2. I've acquired an addiction to the BBC series "Sherlock".  I highly suggest you do the same
3. I haven't swam once
4. In other entertainment news I saw the new Simon Pegg/Nick Frost/Edgar Wright flick "The Worlds End".  That's another multimedia venture I recommend
5. My wife is pregnant
6. Still training for the marathon and I'm looking forward to it.
7. Fund-raising isn't going as planned but there's still time
8. My wife isn't really pregnant.  I know a few people who recently announced they're pregnant and I was feeling a little left out
9. Two kids is a perfect amount
10. My wife is awesome
11. A lot of fantasy football

The new job has been a roller coaster of thinking/emotion.  I've been able to stay mostly positive, aside from a few moments of weakness that I'm not afraid to admit I've been having.  It's been tough on the misses.  A lot is hanging in the balance with what side of the fence this job falls off of.  My wife babysits kids, people are coming to her for photography sessions, contemplating buying another/better car, our daughter is starting pre-school on Tuesday, there's a triathlon the day before the job starts (which I'm signed up for), the running team, next year's mission trip, etc etc.  The opportunity is there with this position and it feels like the right road to go down.  Going to try to be positive till I get the word from the higher ups.  Either way I've got a job.  Silllllllver lining!

In terms of running, since this is kind of a running blog, it's been going good.  I went into this Akron Marathon training with a good base of fitness from training all year.  While it's made me a little tired, I am able to take a couple days off without feeling guilty.  Saturday I, along with Bryce and Adam, finished 16 miles, in some reallllly humid conditions, right around 10 minutes a mile.  It's faster than I wanted to and faster than race pace.  When I heard that I was excited.  My only marathon to date was close to 11 per mile (in PERFECT running conditions).  What a difference a year makes.  This Saturday a local running store is holding a practice run on the race course.  Excited for the opportunity to get some course practice.

The Saturday morning group may not be big in numbers but it's awesome getting to know some of the guys in my church family better.   Plus I'm able to stay humble with the healthy joking.  Lord knows I dish it out much more than I take it in.  I've been building my defenses up over the past few years with a healthy dose of self deprecating humor.

Phew.  That wasn't too bad.

Thanks for reading.  Hopefully an update on that job sometime soon.

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